How to record and manage Acquisition items

An Acquisitions and acquisition proposals record holds details about an acquisition event (a bequest for instance), which may involve many items, each one of which can be documented in an Acquisition items record:

  • We document and manage the overall status and details of the acquisition event in an Acquisitions and acquisition proposals record.
  • We document and manage the status and details of an individual item in an Acquisition items record.

Although records can be created in an Items data source in the usual ways (in Loan items for example) and from there manually linked to the relevant activity record (Loans, etc.) and Catalogue record, the recommended way to create Items records is to use the tasks designed for creating and linking records. That is the method described below.

Two tasks are available for creating Acquisition items records, one available in the Catalogue, the other in Acquisitions and acquisition proposals:

  1. When running the task from the Catalogue, it is necessary to have a Catalogue record for each item covered by the acquisition event.
  2. When running the task from Acquisitions and acquisition proposals, it is only necessary to have a record for the acquisition event.

The second option is typically best as it allows Acquisition items records to be created without the need to have Catalogue records for items that ultimately may not be accessioned; if it is your preference to have a Catalogue record for each item however, this option does allow you to create them automatically.

We step through both options:

The Acquisition items record(s) created by this task hold the basic details provided in the Create acquisition items pop-up, including the current status. You will probably want to add more detail, and will certainly want to update the status of each item as it progresses through the approvals process.

Below we look at key panels in an Acquisition items record and the information that can be recorded: